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Adelle Davis ADES4162 8437022422077

Adelle Davis - ES Liposomal Glutathione, 200 ml, 8437022422077

skladom (info)

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BRAND : Adelle Davis
BEST BEFORE : 12 months
FORM : liquid liposomal (bioavailability almost 100%)
CONTENTS : 200 ml / 20 daily doses
INGREDIENTS : L-Glutathione, Purified Water, Genetically Unmodified Sunflower Lecithin, Potassium Sorbate,
Natural Flavor: Pineapple, Stevia
DOSAGE : 2 x 5 ml daily (2 x 1 teaspoon, shake well before use

Glutathione is the strongest antioxidant[1] body is able to produce itself and body recycles it. If there is too strong intoxication[2] of organism, this function of body fails. Glutathione is able to hold back damge of important cell units caused by free radicals (see the footnote) and heavy metals[3]. Thanks to our food containing too much of unwanted substances, polluted environment, stress, chemical drugs and unhealthy life style in general the body is unable to produce Glutathione in sufficient amount. In that moment it is required to help body and provide it.

Glutathione has specific smell that is caused by Sulfur ingredient in its contents. And it is sulfur that functions as cacther of unwanted substances located in our body including free radicals, poisons and heavy metals.

[1] antioxidant: substance that limits or slows down amount of free radicals. Free radicals are tiny harmful particles. Because of the fact they are free, they want to connect with something. So they attack cells and damage them. Cells afterwards leak into their environment and as there also are substances that cause decay, this damages surrounding cells. This is the start of inflammation process. Free radicals are able to damage or put out important body parts. Free radicals come to existence especially with unproper food (bad consume, low motion, smoking...) or chemical stress from outside (poluted air, radiation etc.)

[2] intoxication: another word for being poisoned. Toxic means poisonous (toxicon was poison where the tips of bows were dipped). Intoxication of organism arises when too much of damageful substances do get into the body - for example by unproper food, usage of chemicals or intake of poisonous chemicals (for example from poluted air etc.)

[3] heavy metals: very poisonous substances that belong to metals. For human the most dangerous are: Mercury, Cadmium, Lead. It is very difficult to get them out of the body.


  • increase of energy
  • betterment of muscle tonus
  • detox of liver and kidneys
  • betterment of mental focus
  • betterment of sleep quality
  • betterment of quality of skin
  • betterment of metabolism of all cells in organism and so prevents their premature ageing
  • increase of athletic performance
  • decrease of regeneration after performance
  • decrease of effects of stress
  • ageing of skin
  • cancer
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • dementia
  • autism
  • Alzheimer disease
  • diabetes

Bioavailability of liposomal form is up to 6 times higher than general forms. To compare - there are following forms : 

capsules, tablets, powder form                                            bioavailability up to 20 %

vitamin administered by injection directly into vein          bioavailability up to 70 %

liposomal form                                                                       bioavailability more than 90 %

Said very easily, the vitamin or nutritional supplement itself is packed into little bubbles (called liposoms - from there the name, and these are produced by special procedure from natural substance lecithin. These mini-bubbles are protecting the vitamin and plus they are compatible with walls of intestines. Thats why they easily can get through the walls of intestines to the blood. Blood takes it to destination cells. They also are compatible with the destination cells and the cell easily accepts “packet”. This is the why more than 90 % of the vitamin gets, where it should be. This form does not burden stomach.


 Number of active substances in RDD % RDI*
 Glutathione  500 mg  -

 * daily referential intake of an average adult


Store in a dry and cool place, protect from light. After opening, store in a refrigerator for no longer than 30 days.


Not suitable for children under the age of 3. The product should be stored out of the reach of young children. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied diet.


This product does not contain soya derivatives or any other major allergens: milk, eggs, fish, oysters, nuts, grains and peanuts. Gluten - free.

DISCLAIMER: Company Adelle Davis, s.r.o., its employees or persons cooperating with do not state any of the information above as directions or recommendation for treatment of any mental or physical condition. It is up to decision of every single consumer if he or she decides to use this product and if he or she would consult its usage with practitioner.


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